
Hello, and welcome to my "studio"! Thank you for stopping by. Do make yourself at home - look around, take in the view, enjoy the art. I'd love to hear from you too, so please leave a comment if you have a minute. I do hope you'll enjoy your visit!

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Beginning

Every journey begins with the first step, as they say, so here begins my journey into the world of blogging and sharing my creative life with - everyone! I had thought of doing a blog several times before, looked at other blogs, etc. But was always held back by the thought "Who would read it? And why?"

Life does have a way of throwing curve balls however. My sister suggested I take an on-line class from an artist named "Wyanne". That appealed to me because I live in a small town in eastern WA and taking a physical class would become involved. Doing it on-line, I could do it as time permitted, I'd have all my studio to create in without having to schlepp my supplies anywhere, and yet have the interaction with other class members and Wyanne as though we were all in the same place. So I did it, and loved every minute of it. At the end of the class, Wyanne offered another class, this one helping artists to take their artwork to the next level.

Now I had been creating artwork of one kind or another for as far back as I could remember. But career choices were definitely left-brained. I used my creative bent in many aspects of those choices and in my private life, but it took a back seat position.

I spent the last 21 years of my working life as an insurance agent, but when I retired, my husband and I built a house in eastern WA and I was very luck to be able to include a large studio into the plan. I'd had a small area in our home in Kent, WA and you'd be amazed at what I crammed into that space. Well, actually, I "leaked" out onto my husband's pool table a lot (he didn't see the humor in this.... probably why he agreed to the large studio space!) Anyway, now I have a great place to create and have been creating merrily and prodigiously ever since.

But I've come to a point where I want to do MORE. I want to share my artwork with a broader range of people and I want to expand my artistic horizons. So...........I signed up for Wyanne's "Tough Love Commercial" class. One of the assignments is to begin a blog to share our visions and inspirations, to make contact with those who would like to share those with us, and to open a wider window to our artistic souls. So............here it goes!! A new journey begins!!! (I do hope I'm not totally alone!)